The hamster wheel school of transportation policy (CityCommentary)

By Joe Cortright Published October 24th, 2017 Going faster doesn’t mean your city gets anywhere more quickly, and it doesn’t make you happier One of the key metrics guiding transportation policy is speed:  how quickly can you get from point A to point B. But is going faster a good guide to how we ought to…

Autonomous Vehicles: Hype and Potential (UrbanLand)

Published March 1st, 2017 by Peter Calthrope and Jerry Walters Every new transportation technology affects the geography of communities and the structure of people’s lives. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are one such technology. Just as the freeway system or the streetcar network shaped past cities and lifestyles, AVs will remake the metropolis once again. The question…

Transitioning toward low-carbon mobility: a holistic approach to transition policy (Mobile Lives Forum)

PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 6TH, 2016. MOBILE LIVE FORUM’S RESEARCH LIVING IN THE MOBILITY TRANSITION FIRST RESULTS Tim Cresswell The transition to low-carbon mobilities is only partly technological We have to think about futures that are less dependent on oil and produce less greenhouse gases. This transition to low or non-carbon mobilities is what I want to talk…

The Third Transportation Revolution (medium)

By John Zimmer, Published September 18th, 2016 Introduction: A Country Built for Cars I remember when I first fell in love with cars. It started small with Hot Wheels when I was three and Micromachines when I was six. Everything about them was fast and exciting — even the commercials were narrated by the World’s Fastest Talker.…

The War on City Parking Just Got Serious (Wired)

By Aarian Marshall, Published on September 28th, 2016 THE NATIONAL POLITICAL dialogue is suffused with substantive issues like Benghazi, beauty pageants, and the best debate memes. But the biggest bugbear in neighborhood politics just got some serious side eye from the Obama administration: Parking. It sounds bitty and trivial, but parking is a very big deal in…