The End of Car Ownership (The Wall Street Journal)

By Tim Higgins, Published June 20th, 2017 Ride-sharing and self-driving vehicles will redefine our relationship with cars. Automakers and startups are already gearing up for the change. Cars are going to undergo a lot of changes in the coming years. One of the biggest: You probably won’t own one. Thanks to ride sharing and the…

Walking While Black (Times-Union and ProPublica)

Jacksonville’s enforcement of pedestrian violations raises concerns that it’s another example of racial profiling. A Times-Union/ProPublica Investigation By Benjamin Conarck (Florida Times-Union)Topher Sanders and Kate Rabinowitz ( The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office issues hundreds of pedestrian citations a year, drawing on an array of 28 separate statutes governing how people get around on foot in Florida’s most populous…

Jan Gehl: “In The Last 50 Years, Architects Have Forgotten What a Good Human Scale Is” (ArchDaily)

Published 28 October, 2017, by Rodrigo Alonso Translated by Amanda Pimenta This interview was initially published in Spanish by City Manager as “Jan Gehl, ciudades para la gente.” Jah Gehl is recognized as a follower of Jane Jacobs, the “grandmother” of urbanism and humanist planning. He has been a professor at the Danish Real Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and visiting professor in Canada, the United…

The automotive revolution is speeding up (McKinsey&Company)

Published Septemeber 2017  By Kersten Heineke, Timo Möller, Asutosh Padhi, and Andreas Tschiesner How fast is disruption reshaping the personal-mobility landscape, and what will new value pools look like as the ecosystem evolves? What a difference a few years makes—the automotive sector is changing, and it’s changing fast. Start-up CEOs have risen as superstars of the…

To Uber or Not? Why Car Ownership May No Longer Be a Good Deal (The Conversation)

Published OCTOBER 15, 2017 Every day there’s more news about the inevitable arrival of autonomous vehicles. At the same time, more people are using ride-hailing and ride-sharing apps, and the percentage of teens getting their driver’s licensecontinues to decline. Given these technologies and social changes, it’s worth asking: Should Americans stop owning cars? We’ve conducted an analysis of…